Saturday, October 4, 2008

Rebuttal to the Rebuttal

By John Bertosa
First, I’d like to respond to Dan’s solutions... hmm, let’s see... more domestic drilling not viable... ok, that’s fine so he must support... ummm... “no viable solution currently available.” Well, er, ok he must get into more theoretical solutions... alternative energy development good, drilling and McCain useless... hmmm, has to be more than that... wants to find a viable solution....ok here’s where he must start talking about a solu... no wait that’s not it.... or is it? He wants a “frank discussion of its scope and compexity”? A 9/11-style commission 30-plus years after the problem first burst upon American? What Sen. Obama called “the oldest political trick in the book”? Well, I would have to disagree, there’s been enough talk. Ah, here in his last paragraph, now I see the crux of his argument -- He’s against posturing and oversimplification and non-solutions.

I agree.

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